Club Oenologique works with an international network of writers, photographers and illustrators to create content across the magazine and website. Our contributor network features trusted voices, rising stars and those with expert insights on wine, spirits and the worlds that surround them. Find a list of those who work with us below – or to meet the Club Oenologique team, click here.
Ferran Adrià
Jane Anson
John Arlidge
Stephen Armstrong
Tim Atkin MW
Essi Avellan MW
Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW
Laura Barton
Fiona Beckett
Louella Berryman
Amy Broomfield
Jo Burzynska
Carla Capalbo
Nina Caplan
Tom Capo
Clinton Cawood
Ferran Centelles
Elaine Chukan Brown
Oz Clarke
Jim Clarke
Alistair Cooper MW
Giulia Crouch
Johanna Derry Hall
Harry Eyres
Max Falkowitz
Joe Fattorini
Elizabeth Gabay MW
Lisse Garnett
Rebecca Gibb MW
Anthony Gladman
Tobias Gorn
Tom Harrow
Kate Hawkings
Andy Hayler
Sarah Heller MW
Richard Hemming
Will Hodgkinson
Miquel Hudin
Rebecca Ann Hughes
Natasha Hughes MW
Andrew Jefford
Henry Jeffreys
Darrel Joseph
Robert Joseph
Emile Joubert
Panos Kakaviatos
David Kermode
Bill Knott
Alice Lascelles
Ella Lister
Wink Lorch
Francis Mallmann
Sarah Marsh MW
Ben McCormack
Elin McCoy
Patrick McGuigan
Conor McNicholas
Alicia Miller
Millie Milliken
Aiste Miseviciute
Victoria Moore
Jasper Morris MW
Tomé Morrissy-Swan
Mark C O'Flaherty
Kevin O'Sullivan
Emily O’Hare
Becky Paskin
Christina Pickard
Peter Ranscombe
George Reynolds
Dominic Roskrow
Rob Sandall
Bruce Schoenfeld
Rebecca Seal
Oliver Sharp
Kristiane Sherry
Yuri Shima
Fiona Sims
Walter Speller
Deyan Sudjic
Brad Thomas Parsons
Rafael Tonon
Hannah Wallace
Matt Walls
Olivier Ward
Zoe Williams
Richard Woodard
Tyler Zielinski
Peter Aaron
Facundo Bustamante
Tim Clinch
Charlie Dailey
Patrick Desgraupes
Jillian Edelstein
Irene Fernández
David Greco and Vanessa Vettorello
Tim Hall
Philip Lee Harvey
Florian Holzherr
Michel Joly
Christopher Kennedy
Francesco Lastrucci
Lisa Linder
Rebecca Marshall
Martin Morrell
David Newton
Anders Overgaard
Tom Parker
Bill Phelps
Lucy Pope
Alexander Rubin
Roberto Salomone
Martin Scott Powell
Margaret Stepien
James Sturcke
Gerard Uferas
Deborah Wastie
Matt Wilson
Xavier Young